Tattoo Aftercare
Good Aftercare is always important.
There are three methods of tattoo aftercare you can follow.
Every method requires a strict hygiene routine.
Until the tattoo has developed a scab, it is an open wound & should be treated as such.
The instructions below will tell you have to successfully & safely heal your tattoo, however if you have concerns that your tattoo may have become or becoming infected, you must seek professional medical advice from a GP as quickly as you can. As a tattooist I can only provide safe aftercare instructions, I can not prescribe any necessary medications, only a GP can do this.
The First method is:
The 'Adhesive Film' or 'Second Skin' method which involves cling film healing for the first 24 hours then applying the adhesive dressing.
Then after 5-7 days you can remove the dressing!
It really is that simple, you can shower with it on, No cream or changing required!
After following the 'Cling Film' method until the next morning, take off the cling film and give the tattoo a thorough wash, don't use a towel to dry as any fluff or germs will get trapped under the film. Simply let it air dry.
Then apply the Adhesive Film.
Do this by first washing your hands, then cutting the film to size if need be. Peel away the white backing paper, place the sticky side to your skin & then remove the top clear layer of plastic carefully. This can be a little tender as the tattoo is still fresh. The film will stay on for 5-7 days! It's that easy!
You can shower with in on, we do not advise bathing or swimming until the tattoo is fully healed.
It is ideal for people who need to avoid cross contamination in their job, nurses, food industry, labourers, carers etc. As it forms a breathable barrier.
We stock Adhesive Film at the studio, It is either sold in packs or cut to size from a roll. Or you can buy it on-line also with many brands available.
The Second method is...
'Wet Healing' or 'Cling Film Healing' This Method is great for people working in industries where avoiding cross contamination is essential. Nursing, Food prep etc where the same dressing can't be worn continuously.
It involves unwrapping & washing the tattoo every 2-4 hours.
Then re-wrap it with a new piece of cling film. Do this for at least 3-4 days, then stop & apply cream 1-2 times a day, for a minimum of 4 days.
The only possible unwanted side affect of Wet Healing is 'Heat/Sweat' rash. This can be anything from a small red pin-prick rash to a white spot like rash. It won't affect the tattoos appearance once healed, but it can be sore/unpleasant/itchy so it is best to stop Wet Healing and switch to the Balm/Cream Method, The rash will go within a few days. To help avoid heat/sweat rash it is important to wash & re-wrap the tattoo regularly.
The Third method is...
Tattoo healing isn't as complicated as it sounds. Your body knows how to heal itself, all you need to do is maintain a strict hygiene routine. I always think if you treat your new tattoo like a cut/burn/insect bite you will heal your tattoo quickly & safely.
Obviously if you have an concerns please do get in touch or Instagram.
*However if you're concerned your tattoo has become infected, seek professional medical advice from your doctor as soon as possible, I can only give advice to successfully heal your tattoo. I can't dispense medical advice or medication.*